
Environmental Impact Assessment

AMBIO with an accumulated experience of more than thirty years, has been in the forefront of consulting firms that work on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). Environmental Impact Assessments including Strategic and Social assessments is a key requirement for many major developments and is necessary to help secure planning consent, benefiting business and communities.

The Company uses an innovative approach to screening and scoping using latest generation GIS technology and our extensive database of environmental information to provide quick and accurate analysis of issues. We undertake environmental mapping to identify spatial and temporal constraints, to identify topics that need to be assessed in detail, determine the need and type of surveys, and establishing the scope of technical assessments. This is supported by detailed desk studies and site visits that provide the initial evidence base to inform decision-makers.

AMBIO’s team of experts work closely with developers, architects, process engineers, planners and design teams to achieve positive environmental solutions for both large, complex projects as well as small, niche developments.

Work focus on the Food, Energy and Tourism industries with reference to terrestrial, marine and fresh water ecosystems, AMBIO offers a series of services which include the following:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Environmental Risk assessment
  • Environmental planning
  • Environmental permitting
  • Water management
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Land survey
  • Mapping

Services may also include Third Party reviews of Environmental Statements for developers and local authorities to ensure compliance with Environmental legislation and best practice cases.