
DG MARE: COVID emergency support to the fishing and aquaculture sectors

The Coronavirus is a severe public health emergency with huge consequences for the EU’s citizens, societies and economies. The fishing and aquaculture sectors have been particularly hard hit by market disruption.

This information note provides Member States with information on possibilities, which are immediately available and which can be used without delay, either under EMFF current rules (chapter 1) or under the new state aid framework adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2020 (chapter 2). It also informs on measures, which will become available once the Coronavirus emergency response package proposed by the European Commission on 13 March 2020 as an immediate European response to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the outbreak has been adopted by the co-legislators and enters into force (chapter 3).

In addition to these measures, the European Commission is currently in contact with the fisheries, aquaculture and processing sectors as well as with Member State authorities and the European Parliament, to urgently look into further effective support tools.

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Supporting material: Coronavirus DG MARE Fact Sheet, Coronavirus DG MARE Information Note
