Press Releases

The Aquaculture Congress 2024 was an Unprecedented Success

The 3rd Aquaculture Congress 2024 was an Unprecedented Success

The 3rd Aquaculture Congress 2024, titled “Defining a Resilient Future” was held on June 28-29 at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, with participation exceeding all expectations.

The Congress was organized by AMBIO S.A., one of the oldest consulting firms in Greece, with the support of the Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (HAPO) and the scientific support of the Agricultural University of Athens. The event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Ministry of Environment and Energy, and the Ministry of Development.

India was the Honored Country, while H.E. Xiao Junzheng, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, delivered a greeting speech. A delegation from the Somali Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy participated, along with a large contingent from the United Arab Emirates.

The Congress was attended by notable figures including the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Costas Tsiaras; the Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Skylakakis; the Minister of Health, Mr. Georgiades; the Deputy Minister of National Economy, Mr. Nikolaos Papathanasis; and the Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food, Christos Kellas, as well as members of political parties.

Executives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environment & Energy, the Ministry of Rural Development & Food, the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation, and the Agricultural University of Athens were present. Representatives from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, the Hellenic Organisation of Aquaculture Producers, and various European public bodies and institutions also attended, including the DG-Mare Directorate of the EU, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP), and the Spanish Aquaculture Business Association (APROMAR).

The Congress saw an attendance of 530 people on the first day and 380 on the second day, in addition to 140 participants who followed the proceedings online. The international character of the Congress was highlighted by the presence of 78 speakers from 14 countries: Greece, India, Great Britain, France, Norway, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, and the USA. Additionally, 35 sponsored exhibition stands from 11 countries were set up in the foyer of the Concert Hall.

The Aquaculture Congress 2024 was the third in a series of successful sectoral conferences, following events in 2018 and 2022, and has now established itself as an institution in the international aquaculture community. The theme “Defining a Resilient Future” reflected current needs and discussed developments and trends in the industry.

The two-day Congress concluded that despite the challenges, the industry remains dynamically present, strengthened by recent crises, and ready for future advancements. Emphasis was placed on the urgent need to resolve spatial planning issues, complete the approval of PDOs, and improve communication and cooperation between sectoral bodies, companies, ministries, regional and local authorities, and local communities.

The adoption of advanced technological solutions and applications in production was noted, as well as the investment community’s interest in Greek fish aquaculture, which continues to lead Mediterranean fish production in the EU. The participation of numerous exhibitors from different sectors highlighted the positive impact of aquaculture on other areas of the national economy.

The Aquaculture Congress 2024 proved particularly significant for the Greek aquaculture industry, serving as a catalyst for stakeholder interaction and promoting responsible and innovative practices to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for the sector.

The Congress Proceedings are published and available on the official Congress website.